Thursday, May 17, 2012

¡Hola mis amigos! ¡Saludos de Argentina!

         I am having such a wonderful time! I know I´ve said it 50 times and I will probably say it 50,000 more. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! If I make some kind of weird punctuation error, lo siento. I'm sorry. This Argentine keyboard is kinda crazy! There's an upside down exclamation point and a ñ key though which is pretty exciting.

            So, like I said in a previous post, I'm not much of a blogger and have never had one so not really sure what to say but here it goes. :) Bear with me. Buenos Aires is amazing! We've stuck out so bad, though. We are clearly a large group of gringos (North Americans, they're Americans too!). We embarassed ourselves today in The Coffee Shop but we made an Argentine waiter friend which is exciting. We plan on becoming regulars there. Hahah. The food here is AMAZING. Packing for the trip home may become pretty easy as I might have to chuck all my clothes that won't fit anymore! Seriously, though. The following are some pictures of just a few of the delicious foods I have tried. ¡Que rico!

         Spiritually, this trip has already been amazing. Yesterday, we went sharing at Cuidad Universatario, a university here in Buenos Aires. We used Soularium and got to meet the Argentine student leaders which was so cool. It's encouraging to see how much they do with a small amount of resources. A group of about 30-40 of us (summer project people, Argentine nationals, and STINTers, that is short term international staff, people from the States living in BA for a year or two) went out and shared the gospel on campus. About 50 people heard the gospel, many for the first time, and four students accepted Christ! Wooooo! Definitely a party going on in heaven about that. Please pray that those students would be able to have relationships with the Argentine leaders and be able to grow and be discipled into future leaders. A STINTer and I got to share with an awesome girl named Andrea and it was so encouraging. She spoke a little English, I speak some SPanish, and Morgan speaks pretty good Spanish, so we were able to have a really great bilingual conversation about the Gospel. It was really clear that the Lord has been working in Andrea's heart. She had clearly been thinking about spiritual things (which is not common for many Argentine students who are focused on their studies and live in the here and now). She was so responsive, asked questions, and really thanked us for talking with her. Just a great conversation, such a sweet girl. I'd love for her to be my friend in heaven one day, haha! We gave her a bilingual Four Spiritual Laws book which she was super excited to have, so prayerfully she will really be considering that these next few days. We got her contact information so hopefully she came to English Club today!

            Today, we went to the Vida Estudiantil (the name for CRU in Argentina) headquarters and had some briefing. Three adorable Argentine students gave us historical background about the country and different campuses and we heard about the spiritual state of things. Student leaders are badly needed here, some campuses have no staff at all and only handfuls of student volunteers to reach entire campuses for Christ. Please pray that we would have fruitful ministry and be able to both surface existing believers and win people for Christ. Also please be praying just for the state of the country in general. This country has really been through some difficult times in the past fourty to fifty years and it is still having a huge impact on the students and the people in general. Many of these events have put up huge barriers to students accepting Christ. One of the largest ones being The Dirty Wars. I'm not sure of a lot of the political details but basically what happened was a military coup and many of those who disagreed with the new government were simply kidnapped and either put into prison or killed. All in all, around (probably more) 30,000 people disappeared. These people's families and friends still have literally no idea where they are or if they are even alive or not. A huge problem for many people is that many of those high up in the Catholic church were involved in these disappearances. In a country where many people associated church with God, these people want nothing to do with Him. Please pray that we can show that although churches, governments, and our leaders can and will fail us, God never will!

         Sorry this is soooo long, haha. I am just so excited about everything that God is doing here in Buenos Aires. I'll be going tomorrow to and touring the campus that I have been placed on: Economics. I'm super excited to get out and talk with some Argentines, they are seriously so warm and friendly, and just adore talking with people. It's so encouraging! Please pray for me and my team as we go out and prepare to share the Gospel with these Argentines students!

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