Monday, May 21, 2012

Dios es siempre Dios. Dios es siempre bueno.

Hello everyone!

On Saturday, we had a really fun free day of getting to see the city. The STINTers organized an Amazing Race for us and sent us all around the city. We saw some really cool things! We went to the President's house which here is called La Casa Rosada (the Pink House) and the President doesn't actually even live there...We saw the widest street in the world, 9 de Julio. We saw the graveyard where Eva Peron is buried. For those of you who don't know Argentine history, she was a very famous first lady of Argentina and a musical Evita was based on her life. She was kinda like the Jackie O of Argentina. My favorite thing was the Hippie Fair. It was just a long road of street vendors selling jewelry, shoes, scarves, etc All handmade and for CHEAP. Definitely going to have to go back there and blow some pesos! It was just a really fun day of being pretty touristy!

On Sunday, we experienced some double culture shock while attending a Taiwanese church in Buenos Aires. Crazy stuff. The preacher spoke in Taiwanese and someone translated it into Spanish. At the end, I was just so exhausted from trying to understand! It was so cool though just to see people from all different nationalities praising the Lord together. The preacher made a really good point of although we may all be from different places, we are all the same in that we all need God. It was really neat to just be able to worship with them.

So, today was our first day on each of our campuses. For me, that was the Economics campus. Our team consists of five students, one staff member, and three STINTers. We went out in pairs and just tried to share the Gospel with as many people as we could! I teamed up with a girl on my team named Taylor. We were armed with bilingual KGP's, Soularium, and English Club flyers. It was somewhat of a discouraging day as we were really having some difficulty finding English speakers on campus. While I am decently able to speak some conversational Spanish, I am in no way prepared to share the Gospel in Spanish, so that was somewhat disappointing. However, after taking some time to get in the Word and really just pray through those feelings, the Lord really renewed my heart. We were able to get a lot of contacts for English Club. English Club is something that Vida Estudiantil (Argentina's CRU) has started on campus to help teach students English and help them practice their English. It's a really great way to build relationships with Argentines and then (outside of English Club so we're not pulling a bait and switch kind of maneuver, haha) share the Gospel with them. So, God really reassured me with the knowledge that He is sovereign and I have no idea, everyone of those people may come to English Club. We could build relationships with all of them and later share the Gospel with them. The Lord really opened my eyes as to how little I can see of the big picture but He knows the whole thing and has it covered. Anyway, even though our pair didn't get to share the Gospel with anyone today, we got a really good reminder of God's sovereignty.

Anyway, God is teaching me so much here in Argentina. Please pray that He would bring English speakers who are hungry for Him our way tomorrow!

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