Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Prayer Request...

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to write a little post about a prayer request that I have. I want to start by thanking you for all your prayers for me and my team this summer. It is so encouraging to know that we are supported by a group of believers thousands of miles away! I have one specific request right now that has been laid on my heart. God has blessed me with a new friend here in Buenos Aires, a medicine student named Adrianna who we met through English Club. Taylor, one of the girls on project with me, and I have been able to form a close bond with this girl in just a few days. This past Thursday, we were able to share the Gospel with her and twice this week have been able to meet with her, for like two or three hours at a time, to answer questions that she has and share what God has done in our lives through Christ. She is so close to placing her faith in Christ, it is so exciting. It has been amazing to see God work in her heart through our friendship. She has really been going through some serious struggles lately and was just so vulnerable with us about them, to the point where she started crying in the cafeteria. Just thinking about her honesty and sweet heart makes me want to cry right now! Please pray that God would continue to work in her heart and that the Gospel would just become so real to her and really click. Even more specifically, I pray for protection for her. She told us today that after our conversation on Tuesday, she had dreams about what we talked about and even a nightmare that really genuinely scared her. Im not sure if this is spiritual warfare or not but please pray for protection for Adrianna. Pray that she would not believe lies but see the truth about God and who He is. I praise Him for her genuine seeking of Him and ask that you would pray that He would continually reveal Himself to her. I thank you so much for your prayers!!

To put a face to the name, the lovely Adrianna and me.



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